How EyeWatch LIVE™ is installed
We put an EyeWatch LIVE™ camera in a resident’s room. This camera is monitored with our live staff during overnight hours when fall risks are the greatest. EyeWatch LIVE™ is the result of decades of 24/7/365 virtual security monitoring, two-way audio and installation of thousands of cameras nationwide.
Motion Detection
We use advanced motion detection technology that detects unwanted activity within a preset “safety zone” around the resident’s bed.
The camera is connected to an EyeWatch LIVE™ Monitoring Center with a Live Virtual Nurse.
The Live Virtual Nurse can then report the activity in real time to the onsite community care staff through various forms of communication such as text message, phone call, and technology communication platforms.
While the onsite community care staff is on the way to the room, the Live Virtual Nurse can communicate with the resident and help discourage them from trying to get out of bed.
24-Hour Protection
Artificial Intelligence
12-hour daytime AI detect only monitoring
(8 a.m.- 8 p.m.)
Optional privacy mode, recording & audio
Hardwired or Wireless, triple redundant, NDAA, HIPAA & HITRUST Best Practices
Human Intelligence
12-hour overnight AI + HI prevent monitoring
(8 p.m.- 8 a.m.)
Real time escalating notifications
Clinical fall review & prevention recommendations
Family Time
Two-way Communication
Designated family time during the daytime hours
(8 a.m.- 8 p.m.)
Two-way communication with loved ones and community staff
With EyeWatch LIVE™, your community can improve safety, enhance quality of life, and reduce liability.